Monday, June 27, 2011

hello everyone!

Geez louise! i said i would be better at blogging but so far it hasn't been going well haha. i was reviewing my last post about Dawson being 8 months and guess what!?  He is 9 MONTHS!  i can't believe it.  i just lubbers him to death :) It's amazing how much love you can have for a child.  Before i had kids i seriously thought i couldn't love anything more than my dog! haha silly thought but my priorities were so different.  while watching him grow and change so fast i cant believe how much Dave and I and grown and changed.  I realize how my priorities were all out of whack and how selfish i was even though at the time i didnt think i was.  I never knew how difficult it was to be a mother, but the rewards that come out of it.  I see mothers with more than one child and i think "how do they do it!" but I'm told its a growing process so i hope to grow into having more children haha. so to you mothers with more than one child You are so awesome!
Sleeping at Church
As far as life is going it's about the same.  My spa is busy so that's good and David is still busy with dispatch and helping his Aunt Janet.  I cannot believe next week is 4th of july!  Hope you all are doing well :) p.s. i didnt do anything with my hair like i said i wanted to

Saturday, June 11, 2011

8 months!?

When Dawson was born
a few weeks ago
Dawson is already 8 months old!  i can't believe it.  i don't want my little man to grow up :( haha but it is fun watching him learn and discover his surroundings.  hes starting to crawl  up on his knees instead of his army crawl.  He also has been climbing on lots of things and pulling down anything he can get his hands on. hes so stinkin' cute :)

On a different note.  i'm a bit annoyed.  i am still doing my eyelash extensions and let me tell you this industry sure is shady.  you really cannot trust anyone.  I have a few clients that actually do eyelash extensions and come to me for comparison against their product (spies i call them).  it's so disrespectful.  I don't mind that other people do the same business as me but i don't like being lied to and used.  I really get annoyed when people who aren't licensed say they are certified to do lash extensions.  I love what i do so i get extra annoyed when people give extensions a bad name and tarnish the image of estheticians and cosmotologists out there.  I will get over it but i just needed to vent a little.  You really never know who is telling the truth now days.  its a sad sad world but i'm thankful i have a loving family who i can always count on.

i've been thinking about cutting my hair.  i have no idea what to do though.  Oh the tough decisions of life haha

Monday, May 23, 2011

revamped my blog!

I redid my blog because i was just not feeling the last one.  so hopefully i will blog more haha.  we just took family pictures, well tried to.  first it started raining... Of course!  that was during Dawson's happy time which is right after nap time.  well we tried when it cleared up and Dawson was very upset about that.  he does NOT like getting his picture taken.  it seems like everytime i want family pictures everything goes wrong haha.  well here are some of the pictures we got.

Here are some of the not so good ones haha

David is trying to make Daws laugh but nothing is helping haha

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just updating!

Here some pics of daws :) Can you believe he's already 7 months?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

another sleepless night!

Well once again i can't sleep so i will update my blog with some pictures!  I'm 39 weeks and very VERY pregnant :)

couldn't forget Daisy!
 I wouldn't let anyone take too many pictures because i am so swollen!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just updating

No baby yet!  the Doctor said i would probably be another week or so.  That's ok waiting is good i guess... Teaches patience for when you really need it haha.  I'm currently 37 weeks! can you believe it!  time is going by so fast!  I'll try to get some pictures of the baby room up.  It is so cute and is almost done.  we are just waiting for carpet. 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

updating.. kinda

Hello. I don't blog much.. mostly because I forget.  I don't have much to update on except that I'm 30 weeks... almost there! woot.  David and i were searching for a new house for a while but didn't find anything we really wanted.  Still doing my spa :)  here is a prego picture (i think i was about 26 weeks?). It was taken with a camera from a phone so it's bad quality.  hope everyone is well!